Frequently Asked Questions

Click on the following links to see the answer:

01. When do I receive my VISpas?
02. Is it not possible to obtain a licence for the whole of the Netherlands?
03. What documents do I need for 2008?
04. Does a sport angler need a Grote Visakte to fish with three rods?
05. Do I have to pay the full subscription fee to my club if I am also a member of another rod sports club?
06. Can I fish for pike with dead bait fish or artificial bait using the KleineVISpas?
07. How can I cancel my automatic payment for the Sportvisakte?
08. A junior sport angler will be 14 in 2007, does he/she need a VISpas?
09. How can a sport angler obtain a VISpas, ZeeVISpas and JeugdVISpas?
10. How can a sport angler who is already a member of a club obtain the VISpas?
11. From which club can I obtain a VISpas?
12. Which VISpas do I need to fish at sea?
13. I cannot open the Lists of Fishing Water on my computer. What should I do?
14. A sport angler has received a VISpas from a rod sports club with incorrect information. What now?

01. When do I receive my VISpas?
For members of rod sports clubs the different types of VISpass (VISpas, JeugdVISpas and ZeeVISpas) are sent by Sportvisserij Nederland to the clubs in the second half of November. It is then up to the clubs when they send the passes to their members. Some clubs do this during their regular member evenings, others send them out with the post.
NB: Rod sports clubs that submit their membership lists too late will receive their passes at the beginning of December.

02. Is it not possible to obtain a licence for the whole of the Netherlands?
Unfortunately it is not possible to obtain a single document for fishing throughout the whole of the Netherlands. This is to do with issues of ownership. In most cases the owner of the ground is the owner of the fishing rights, which means there are many different owners from private owners to local authorities, nature organizations, provincial authorities and many professional fishermen. These owners sometimes provide written permission (licence) for specific water, but not in all cases, in which event you may not fish (e.g. private water).
Fortunately, a large proportion of fishing waters are hired to rod sports clubs and federations that are affiliated to Sportvisserij Nederland. Together they have compiled their fishing waters, or parts of them, in the National List of Fishing Waters associated with the various types of VISpas. This National List of Fishing Waters is comparable with the comprehensive Grote Vergunninglijst. This means that 85% of all waters in the Netherlands have been incorporated. The aim of the forthcoming years is to make as many waters as possible nationally available for sport anglers.

03. What documents do I need for 2007?
The VISpas is proof of membership of a club. The VISpas is the Sportvisakte (Sport Fishing Licence), Grote Vergunning (mainly for professional fishing) and club licence in one document. With this pass you receive lists of fishing waters where you are allowed to fish. You must be a member of a club in order to qualify for a VISpas. If you are not a member of a club, you can apply for a VISpas in the coming year by ordering a special application form from a rod sports club and most rod sport shops.
If you fish using one rod and the designated types of bait in a number of public waterways, you only require the KleineVISpas (previously the Sportvisakte), which costs €9.50. If you are not a member of a rod sports club, but do have a Sportvisakte, you will receive a

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